General Grant Agreement H2020

When it comes to applying for funding under the Horizon 2020 program, a General Grant Agreement (GGA) is a crucial component of the process. A GGA sets out the terms and conditions for the grant, as well as the responsibilities of both the funding agency and the recipient.

The Horizon 2020 program is the European Union`s flagship initiative for research and innovation. It provides funding for projects across a range of areas, including science, engineering, health, and social sciences. Successful applicants must sign a GGA in order to receive funding.

The GGA is a legally binding contract between the funding agency and the recipient. It sets out the specific terms and conditions of the grant, including the budget, the timeline for completion, and the reporting requirements. It also outlines the rights and obligations of both parties.

One of the key features of the GGA is the budget. This section details the funding that will be provided for the project, including any required matching funds from the recipient. It also sets out the specific costs that are eligible for reimbursement, such as personnel costs, travel expenses, and equipment purchases.

The timeline for completion is another important component of the GGA. This section specifies the start and end dates for the project, as well as any intermediate milestones that must be met. It also outlines the consequences of failing to meet these deadlines, such as the forfeiture of funding.

Reporting requirements are also clearly detailed in the GGA. Recipients are typically required to submit regular progress reports and financial statements, which must adhere to specific guidelines and formats. Failure to meet these reporting requirements can result in the withholding of funding or even the termination of the grant.

Overall, the General Grant Agreement is a critical component of the Horizon 2020 funding process. It sets out the specific terms and conditions of the grant, as well as the responsibilities of both the funding agency and the recipient. By understanding the requirements of the GGA, applicants can increase their chances of success in securing funding under this important program.